
Areas/Topics of focus include:

  • The social organization of health and long-term care;
  • The sociological study of medicine, nursing, and other health professions;
  • The interdisciplinary study of care work;
  • Medical socialization (the professionalization of medical students and the transformation of lay
    persons into medical professionals);
  • Stratification and inequality in health and long term care;
  • Racialized and gendered hierarchies at work in acute and long-term care settings
  • Paraprofessionals in health and long term care;
  • Meaning making and identities among health professionals;
  • COVID-19 and its impact on health and long term care;
  • The global migration of health professionals;
  • Health professions education in international and non-western contexts;
  • The study and practice of biomedicine in resource-deprived contexts;
  • Qualitative methodologies.